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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Loser-ish Lover

Dear Gracie,
I like this girl and whenever I try to hold her hand, she pulls away and tells me I’m weird. Should I risk getting a restraining order or live my life and show my love? Please help!
-Loser-ish Lover

Dear Loser-ish Lover,
I think the signs are a big indicator as to how this girl feels about you. If she pulls away every time you try to get physically closer to her, then that means she either doesn’t feel the same things that you feel for her, or she is not ready for that kind of closeness yet. There is really only one thing you can do. Talk to her; tell her how you feel straight up so that she completely understands your meaning. Then give her some time to think it over and decide if she’d rather just be friends or try it out and see where it goes.

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The Paw Print is the school newspaper of the Willow Canyon High School and is published as a cooperative effort of the newspaper class. Editorial content of the Paw Print expresses the view of the paper and not necessarily the administration, faculty or school board of the Dysart Unified School District. Bylined Editorial content expresses the opinion of the writer and not necessarily the staff or school administration. Letters to the editor are welcomed and must be signed for publication. Please submit letters and communications to Ms. Wargowsky.

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