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Friday, December 10, 2010


Dear Gracie,
 I’ve got classes, homework, chores--just like everybody else. Unfortunately, I have more than my share because my mom’s taking a course online. My two brothers are no help and both of my parents believe I’m not doing enough to help out with the family. I either come home to nagging parents or an empty house anticipating two younger brothers. I hardly have any control over anything non-school related. Any advice?

Dear Cinderella,
Life can, and always will, get extremely stressful at times, but what makes humans unique is how each person deals with that stress. It sounds as though you tolerate these situations very well outwardly, which is better then outright refusing to help your family. I would sit down with your parents, and without any distractions, tell them how overwhelmed you are feeling. Let them hear what pressures you’re undergoing through school, cleaning and babysitting and that you are drowning and need help. And one of the best things I find to de-stress an out-of-control life is to find an outlet. Do something that allows an escape from your normal, everyday hectic life.

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The Paw Print is the school newspaper of the Willow Canyon High School and is published as a cooperative effort of the newspaper class. Editorial content of the Paw Print expresses the view of the paper and not necessarily the administration, faculty or school board of the Dysart Unified School District. Bylined Editorial content expresses the opinion of the writer and not necessarily the staff or school administration. Letters to the editor are welcomed and must be signed for publication. Please submit letters and communications to Ms. Wargowsky.

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